
Lady Poe's Digital Peepshow

Lady Poe’s Digital Peepshow

Lady Poe is the Queen of the Internetz

The Webcam Avenger of Death

Her sanctum can be seen for a modest fee

Unless you are running a Mac

The red-headed Goddess, teen/milf sensation

With full nudity and some penetration

Lady Poe, Lady Poe’s Digital Peepshow

She’s the Queen of my bandwith

And the best at this ‘sex without sex’.

She’s the buzz of the blogo-whatever-sphere

Her you-who’s on youtube, I hear

A porn star who shines like the north star

She’s dear to my heart and as near as my monitor.

Lady Poe is the Queen of the Internetz

Retired for years now, but the Internetz never forgetz.

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